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Streaming Video on the website

Site delivery using a continuous stream of video and publish video content and associated audio pages. End users need to download media files to view the real-time media content. Video stream refers to the average distribution mechanism, not the media itself.

Video stream on your computer, as a kind of concept has emerged around 1970, however, due to insufficient resources, technical capabilities and advances in high-cost are uneasy. Today, as a true streaming and HTTP streaming media technology, more websites are taking advantage of the video stream. When designing a video streaming site, you need to understand the concept of streaming video mainly due to two factors - the video file formats and streaming media technology.

"Windows Media", "use Quicktime ',' the RealMedia", "MPEG", "Flash Object 'is some file formats can be used for streaming video. Select the file format is very important that the site can meet a wide cross-regional users. Therefore, it is necessary to know the type of Internet bandwidth resources, hardware and software, so that all users have contributed to the site you want to provide information.Another important factor for streaming video stream is that the process itself. 

"Download" is the easiest and most basic way in which the video file to download to any temporary folder, and then installed on the computer to play in media player. Another method is to "flow", wherein the waiting time is preferably negligible. Video is presented as it is downloaded and. However, a certain amount of buffer may occur, depending on the speed of the network connection.

Is widely used in the real-time video streaming live events. This is also known as webcasts or the NetCast. Special types of media streaming video sites use streaming media server. You can have your own server configuration or have it purchased from different suppliers. Installing the software requires a strong stream your Web server. Some of the available video streaming software includes "Macromedia Communication Server", "Apple's Quicktime Streaming Server", "Helix Universal Server", and so on. In addition to these resources, a conversion software is necessary, it will convert video files to the desired format, it can be easily published and broadcast networks.

"The Final Cut Pro" and "The Adobe Premiere 'on some conversion tool. Video streaming is also dominated by a variety of protocols to bring consider technical performance, quality, reliability, cost factors, as well as legal and social issues, multicast, peer network, IP multicast, unicast, User Datagram Protocol, and real-time transport protocol are considered a protocol designed to support video streaming network.