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Ways to Online Video Streaming rapidly

There are two main methods of video streams. These methods are streaming server, also called true streaming and HTTP streaming. In the creation of a video stream, you must understand the way video and streaming media file format.

When the video stream created many video file formats to choose from. The most common format is Windows Media, Adobe's Flash, RealMedia format, and QuickTime. There are advantages and disadvantages of each format. This is really a personal preference of the user. When creating streaming video The main point to remember is that, in order to achieve maximum audience might want a separate file for each format.

There are two ways to view media on the Internet. These methods are streaming and downloading. Download the file, you can save it to your computer, so you open the file, and then view. You must wait until the entire file to download to your computer to watch later. You can provide a link to a video file to download or use the HTML code embedded in the document pages.By downloading the video file transfer is often referred to HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) stream. Page is transmitted using the same protocol. That is why it is HTTP streaming is very easy to set up and use on site. It also does not require any additional software or special hosting plans. Smoking is not correct HTTP streaming video.

Streaming is a stream different from HTTP. Once the video stream starts downloading, end users can start watching. Users to watch video, because when it arrives, because the file is sent to the user in a steady stream. You can watch the video without waiting. A dedicated server must be used to provide a real video streams.

True streaming can handle large amounts of traffic, because the application is running on a dedicated server. True streaming also has the ability to broadcast live events. It can also detect the user's connection speed, and ensure appropriate documentation is provided automatically. There are two ways to gain access to the streaming media server. You can run your own server by purchasing or renting and streaming hosting plan or a fully managed hosting services, coding, and provide them with liquidity.

Run your own server is simple to do a managed dedicated server to meet even the largest websites and media focus on the needs. The real flow is actually cheaper than it is to compare HTTP streaming media and adds incredible functionality and control of the end user, allowing them to advance what they want to see, rather than the entire video to progressive download. Typical bandwidth savings of more than 30% compared to a strong flow of visits and installation time is usually 24 hours or less.

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